La presidenta de la COP16, Susana Muhamad, durante la sesión final mientras es aplaudida de pies por un miembro de la mesa directiva, la secretaria de la CDB, Astrid Showmaker se ve a su lado izquierdo también sentada, otra mujer al fondo también aplaude.

Peace with nature

Oct. 21 - Nov. 01, 2024 Cali, Colombia.

COP 16 News Coverage

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COP16 News

AGENDA COP16 Colombia

Find all the information about the official COP16 agenda in the Blue Zone and the Action and Participation Program in the Green Zone, open to the public.
negociaciones zona azul
Zona verde

Susana Muhamad Gonzalez

President of COP16 Colombia

“El valor agregado de realizar la COP16 en Colombia radica en nuestra visión de ‘Paz con la Naturaleza’ y en reconocer que la verdadera lucha del siglo XXI es por la vida. Si logramos transformar nuestra relación con la naturaleza, así como nuestras prácticas de producción y consumo, y conseguimos que las acciones colectivas impulsen la vida en lugar de destruirla, estaremos abordando los desafíos más importantes de nuestro tiempo. Al igual que la flor eterna de Inírida, los colombianos hemos aprendido las claves de la resiliencia para alcanzar una paz duradera en los territorios más excluidos del país y en aquellos con mayor riqueza natural. La COP16 no es simplemente una cumbre, es el camino que nos permite movilizarnos a nivel global hacia este propósito común.”.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the COP on biodiversity?

It is the Conference of the Parties, the supreme decision-making body of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

What is the Convention on Biological Diversity?

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was signed by leaders of 150 countries at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. This convention promotes sustainable development through a vision that involves ecosystems and people.

Where and when will COP16 be held?

It will be held in Cali, Colombia between October 21 and November 1, 2024.

What are the Blue Zone and the Green Zone?

The Blue Zone is the venue for the Conference of the Parties, managed by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and administered by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The Green Zone will be the epicenter of the mobilization and participation strategy and where the people's COP will materialize. In this space, companies, organizations and civil society will share their vision and commitments for the protection of biodiversity.

How can I participate in the Green Zone?

Interested national and international organizations applied for events and also applied as partners/exhibitors. On the other hand, people interested in attending will be able to visit and participate in events in the Green Zone with previous registration.

Who can enter the Blue Zone?

Admission to the Blue Zone is exclusively for official delegations from member countries, representatives of intergovernmental organizations, UN agencies and observers, experts and media officially accredited by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

How can the media be accredited?

Media participation will be subject to accreditation by the CBD and is strictly reserved for those representing a bona fide media organization. Accreditation can be requested from the Convention on Biological Diversity (

How can I book accommodation?

Check this link for different options to stay in the city of Cali.

What agreements are expected at this conference?

  • Implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Countries are expected to submit updated National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs).
  • Review of the status of implementation of the new framework COP16 will be a key moment for governments to review the status of implementation of the new framework, through the NBSAPs.
  • Development of the monitoring framework. It is expected that COP16 will further develop the monitoring framework and continue to make progress in mobilizing resources for the implementation of the Global Framework.
  • Multilateral mechanism on fair and equitable benefit sharing. COP16 should finalize and operationalize a multilateral mechanism on the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources.

How can I obtain a VISA for Colombia?

Check all the information on the website Ministry of Foreign Affai of the Colombia